Friday, February 8, 2013

Waiting Game...

I feel like this year we've been sitting around playing the waiting game.  Which may be why I haven't had much to say.

So, what is it that we're waiting for?

1.  We're waiting to set a closing date on our house.  It seems that no matter what the actual date ends up being, it will either be too soon or to far away.

2.  We're waiting to move, but most importantly to find a home we want to move into.  (As much as I'm trying to stay stress free and completely trust in God on this one.  I'd be lying if I said that the stress free part is working.  I hate, hate, hate not knowing where I'll be kissing my kids goodnight at.  And while Clint keeps reminding me that the important part is that we'll still be kissing them goodnight, the where at part is really bugging me. )

3.  We're waiting for our dream house to become available... Because we found it.  Our dream house.  And it just so happens to be in our dream location.  The problem is it's got a "dirty title" and has been stuck in the court system for nearly a year.  So for now we wait and pray.  We pray that God will make a way for the house to be released from the lawsuit and that we can be the first ones to get an offer in on it.  We pray every night that one day we will be able to go from calling this place a dream house to our dream home.

4.  Waiting for our next paychecks.  With all of the extra money that we are putting away in savings getting ready for our upcoming, unknown move, it just seems that I'm always waiting for payday to role around again.  I've never lived on such a tight budget.  And while it's hard, it is doable, which is both frustrating and rewarding all at the same time.

5.  Waiting to loose weight.  I know... The story of my life!  This time I have hope though.  I found a natural path who actually did some blood work and found that my hormones are all out of sorts.  Some are registering off the charts and others aren't even registering.  So now that I'm getting hormone replacing shots every week, for the rest of my life. (B00!) I'm finally starting to feel better.  (The doctor only half joked that he wasn't sure how I hadn't killed somebody or fallen into a severe depression based on how unbalanced I was.)  I'm now three weeks into this new treatment and am feeling so. much. better.  I've currently lost 12lbs which is a long ways from the 84 I need to loose to be back to my younger, healthier self, but it's a start.  Baby steps.  That's what I keep reminding myself.  It took three and a half years to gain this second person and no matter how much I try to will it to fall off in a day, it's just not going to happen.

5.  Waiting for Summer.  This one is so easy because I know it's coming.  At least I hope it's coming...  Can we Washingtonians ever be sure summer is actually going to make it's appearance here. Well I'm hoping it's coming because I'm ready!  I find myself longing for those long warm days, BBQ's, cool drinks and time next to a pool with a good book. (In what I'm hoping will be a summer worthy body.)

In all truthfulness not everything in our life is a waiting game right now.  We haven't been sitting around twiddling our thumbs overwhelmed with stress (though at times that's exactly what I feel like I should be doing.)  No.  We've been having fun and making strides in other areas of our life...

Like JK making his middle school basketball team.  He was a little nervous being as he's never played, but he got through a grueling week of tryouts and made it through. Seeing some of his friends and piers get cut along the way was tough, but I'm proud of my boy and guess I'll have to teach myself to love (or at least enjoy) the stinky gym sport called basketball.

And Lillie is finally growing in leaps and bounds in school.  I thinks she's deciding she wants to get it, which has been so fun and a little frustrating at times.  This youngest child of ours is strong willed and does not like to be corrected.  I've definitely had to learn how to parent differently with her.  She's got a heart of gold though and a personality that kills me.  Like both her brother and sister she certainly has quite the sense of humor and loves to make people laugh.

January and February are always a little sad for us as we fall back into our normal every other weekend routine with Molly.  Summers and December are always our favorite months because it means getting to have her a little more.  She is so great with Lillie and that little girl really misses her when she's not here.  She continues to read through books faster then I can keep up with them and almost always brings a few from her other house with her.  I don't know how the girl does it but she usually goes through at least 3 chapter books in just a few short days.  I honestly think she must stay up reading with a light under her covers into the wee hours of the morning, because she really doesn't spend all that much time during the day with a book in her hands.  One night I'm determined to catch her so that I can be in on her little secret.

To end things off,  here are just a few cute pictures I was able to capture over the last month.  There haven't been many since I am thoroughly in love with the video camera my hubs got me for Christmas.  I love that without me even knowing how badly I wanted a new one he figured it out and got me the perfect gift.

Oh and we had a house guest for a week.  My parents dog somehow came down with an abscess in his eye tissue the day after they left for Mexico.  After a frantic call from the dog sitter Clint picked him up and took him in for surgery.  Luckily Clint's got a much stronger stomach then I do and was the one who got Samson to take 6 pills a day and kept the drain sight cleaned.  Have I said how much I love that man!  Samson is a good dog, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that Hunter (our sweet little lap dog) and I weren't happy to see him go home.  We are not a big inside dog type of group here.

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