Monday, July 22, 2013

When I'm bored doesn't work....

The kids (especially the girls) tend to get a bad case of the "I'm bored's"  during the summer.  Sometimes their whining pushes me into action to find another activity for them, but most times it just frustrates me.

For the most part we tend to be a family on the move.  An example of a few things we've done to date just this summer...  
  • Gone on three camping trips 
  • Spent a handful of days at my parents enjoying their pool 
  • Gone for summer night walks almost every week day
  • Had friends stay over almost a handful of times.  
  • There's been football practice twice a week for JK since the beginning of June
  • Swim lessons twice a week for Lillie
  • Horse riding/ training lessons for Molly twice a week when she's with us.
Add a few birthdays, weddings, bridal showers, and baby showers into the mix along with the fact that both Clint and I work, and I think you can understand why I might want to blow a gasket when I've finally sat down for the 11 minutes that the noodles are boiling for dinner and the kids come to tell me they're bored.

For the most part I'm generally able to maintain my cool, they're kids I get that they want to be entertained 24/7.  Every once in a while though, it gets to me.  Which is why I've come up with a list of chores that need to be done around the house.  So when I hear those dreaded words the day after we get back from a camping trip while I'm folding laundry, I might heave pulled a chair up and told the kids they could either help or go find something else to do, in a not so sweet voice. 

Something fun like two sisters giving each other makeovers.

Makeovers that ended up leaving both girls giggling for hours and dad speechless.  Makeovers that took lots of scrubbing to get the glitter and waxy fake stuff off their faces.  Makeovers that created memories and bonds that these girls will most likely laugh over as adults.  Best of all makeovers that entertained my girls for at least two hours leaving me with a little peace and quiet to fold and put away camping laundry. 

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